I do not like the idea of monogamy. I would go as far to say as it scares me a little. When you, as an independent person, commit to see only one other independent person, you surrender some of your freedom: your reproductive and sexual freedom. Now for some this is quite an easy task. And yes, sometimes, I have fallen in the trap of just wanting to be wanted. But when faced with the horns of monogamy, I realized I just wanted to be important and know where I stand. Limiting my life because of someone else's insecurities troubles me. I have learned to live with the fact that there will always be a prettier, thinner (or more round), more pleasing female out there than I. It is the way of the world. Committing to a relationship, tying myself to one person makes me offer up some of my autonomy on a platter, much like John the Baptist head. I am not so cool with that. It was explained to me that living in a monogamous relationship is much like living in a much deeper, unified, friendship. I feel some of my friendships are quite deep and unified; I now know that telepathy is possible. I do not have a problem with saying "at this point in time, I will do my best not to actively seek other people to have sex with, but if it happens it happens." I am 21. I believe such a statement makes logical sense. I have so much more in my life that I have to be committed to. There lies the problem. I come first, I always will come first, and monogamy doesn't like that.
"live with the fact that there will always be a prettier, thinner (or more round)" hahaha you know i would have yelled at you if you didnt add that parenthesis :D