Thursday, February 4, 2010

Since when did I become a almost Normal, Non-Maladjusted, Happy Adult?

Okay. Maybe saying I am normal is far fetched. That would be like saying Anakin Skywalker was not emo, just slightly depressed. But I have been discovering that as the days go by, I am not nearly as troubled as I once was, and now I wonder, why the FUCK was I troubled to begin with? Being the Psych major that I am, I read about a lot of maladjusted people. I meet these maladjusted people. I read about how maladjustment happens and who is more prone to be maladjusted. I never really ever fit in with these people. I love my parents and I mean the world to them. I was never physically abused and had a happy childhood. It makes me wonder if my terrible years of middle school and the first two years of high school and a few bad relationships with members of the opposite sex are really enough to fuck a person over? IS THAT REALLY ENOUGH??? Based on everything I read, yes. Yes, friends who treat you like shit, call you a whore and hate you because you are thin are enough to permanently scar how you feel about interacting socially. And yeah, making some bad decisions about who can stick their dick GOD knows where can also screw you up if you let it. I guess I feel bad for putting all those people who love and support me through tons of shit that they really did not need to go through, because now I feel as though I was just being ridiculous. But then again a part of me knows that something was severely wrong. My new and current hypothesis is that I can get over these hurdles more efficiently now. I am hoping that I can get back to the over-achieving, slightly neurotic woman that I am and be okay with that. No one is perfect (though I try) and my Psych books always say all people are different. So I might as well take their word on it; I am different, I have different triggers, and my life is no more fucked up than any other practically normal person. How bout them Pears.

1 comment:

  1. see...not nonsense...all you're doing is realizing whats going on and writing it down so that you can actually SEE it...and hopefully remember it..
