So let’s catch up to the wonderful world of Cheryl.
I started a new job at the end of October. I love my work and enjoy helping the residents. All of the residents have varying degrees of intellectual disability and mental health needs. This line of work is right up my alley. My only grip is the other staff. I feel they are undereducated. It is not their fault per say, but still. I am not at liberty to say which agency I work for or where. Overall the experience is worth the trouble, because in the future when asked how I will motivate employees and what difficulties I have faced in the field, I have at least some ground to stand on. Not to mention, this is a great resume builder for grad school.
Speaking of which, the hope is to start applying this up coming fall. Since my health is better, the only road block now is the money I owe to Hartwick. Somehow I will have to figure out how to pay this. Sometime because of the burden of owing Hartwick, resentment sets in. I feel as though this should have been dealt with by my parents. But I know they did not wish this to happen and if they could fix it, it would be the first thing on their list. I just hope they know and understand that I really don’t blame them, just sometimes when I become frustrated they become my target to fire at.
I don’t know if I have mentioned that I am seeing this new guy. He shall remain nameless, but if have this insatiable desire to know, you can always email me or facebook me about it. I cannot guarantee a quick response though. Overall things are going quite swimmingly. It has been a little hard adjusting to him in comparison to others. Like all human beings, he is quite different from all the other guys I have dates/banged. However he shares some root qualities that I value highly. He understands that I am intelligent (although lacking common sense) and nothing in the world will change that. He just has to accept that I know and understand concepts and the world around me better than most of the other women he has screwed (he is quite the man whore). Also, he has a variety of experience that I value in a man. He has worked hard to get where he is, and is quite successful. But most of all, he is not afraid to spoil me. So basically, all around a good guy.
On a final note I am going to address my vanity. I have lost my hair. It was the ultimate source of my pride. Now nothing but a mere shadow is left of it. Most people would think this is a silly thing to worry about, but I disagree. My hair was gorgeous and yes I have cried over its loss. What were once luscious locks has turned into a mullet. For fear of ruining my chances at getting my hair back, I dare not do anything with it. I have experiences quite a bit of re-growth so the hope is that it will come back to its full potential once again. Until then, I am learning a valuable lesson about being vain.
Thanks for listening to the ravings of an attractive lunatic and I hope to hear from some of you soon!
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