Today I had an interview for a position at an agency. I will probably not get the position I initially applied for, but I feel good in the fact that I might get a position nonetheless. And if I never hear from the ARC again? I will shrug my shoulders and keep looking for jobs. And this is why I love my Zoloft.
The SSRI ability of this drug makes sure that all the little serotonin neurotransmitters stay in the synapse to be absorbed by the next nerve, instead of being sucked back up into the nerve that released them. This means that more of the "feel happy" transmitter is passed on. But the drug does not make me happy. I have experienced bouts of depression while taking Zoloft. However, the depression cleared up and was brought on by an event (like my new chronic illness). I have finally come to terms with the fact that, with the help of therapy, medication made my continuous, no reason, no cause depression is disappear into the night. I love my Zoloft because it makes it possible for me to cope better with reality. With the help of the Zoloft, I am able to look at a situation and deal with it proactively and not fall into the abyss of despair. I am able to rebound from life's bad shots, much like I was able to rebound the basketball. Yeah, getting elbowed in the face by a girl that was fatter and taller than me hurt, but I'm the one that got the ball. Same with life, it hurts but I have the ball.
So this relates how to my current battle on life? Well I am jobless at this current moment, which will hopefully be rectified soon. I have far less money that I would hope. Again it seems my plans of going to grad school will need to be put off for another year. I suffer from Ulcerative Colitis. Last but not least, I believe I have lost my relationship. In the light of all this, I do not feel like the world is ending or that I must take ending the world into my own hands. Instead I feel hopeful that it will get better. I have only let myself mope one day. The rest I try to keep laughing and doing things I love. And this is why I love my Zoloft. It makes living easier....